Sunday, February 8, 2009

A Special Zenzuu Global Information Call

On Sunday Feb 1st and February 8th at 6:00PM Pacific time Founder Tommy Vu introduces the next revolution that will send membership growth into orbit

"NET INCOME REVENUE SHARE" with future ZenZuu E-Commerce affiliates
E-Commerce is approaching a trillion dollar market. Get on the call so you can:
a- Learn how to make money by introducing E-commerce Partners in any industry to ZenZuu
b- Learn how to qualify for Leadership Bonus from the ZenZuu E-Commerce Partners Program
You have a short time to qualify for this Bonus, don't miss this important call

DIAL: 646-519-5860 THEN PIN NUMBER 3214# TO LISTEN.
Once you are in the conference, we would appreciate you press *6 to mute your phone. To UnMute, press *6 , Then you can ask a question. Be on time, each call will last 30 minutes. See you on the calls!