Wednesday, October 29, 2008

So You've Done 30 Log Ins, Now What?

I have noticed that a lot of people are confused about exactly how to make money with ZenZuu and what to do to be qualified. There are some informational calls held everyday where members or prospective members can listen in on questions being asked and ask questions themselves. 
Here are the times: 

Mon-Sat: 8 am Pacific, 10 am Pacific, 12 noon Pacific, 2 pm Pacific, 4 pm Pacific, 6 pm Pacific, 8 pm Pacific

Dial: 1-646-519-5860 
Access code: 3214#

1) After you log in 30 times in a month, the white clock counter will turn green.

2) A banner with a hyper link will appear asking you if you to click here to become an active ZZRep, GREENPAGERep, and a MYATMRep. The programmers are working to make this more user friendly at the time of this post.

3) After you click on the banner hyperlink, terms and conditions will appear, read them if you want. Scroll all the way down to the bottom and you will see check boxes for the ZZRep, GREENPAGRep, and a MYATMRep. Go ahead and check these boxes. You are now an active Rep, Congratulations!

4) Continue to share this amazing opportunity with people, build your team and watch your team and income grow everyday. It's like having your own social network!